Trusted Advisors for Innovative Cloud Services

Pioneers of Innovative Cloud Technologies & Experienced Executive Advisors Committed to Customer Success

Expert Advisors, Working for You

Our Services

As an advocate for our customers, we partner with leading service providers to ensure alignment of best-of-breed technologies with defined business outcomes. We then assist by negotiating on your behalf to ensure the best price::value balance for your business.

  Cloud Services

Public & Private Cloud /  Application & Infrastructure

  • Architecture Assessments
  • Security & Compliance
  • Migration Readiness, Planning and Execution
  • App & Infra Optimization
  • Operations Management
  • Disaster Recovery

 Security Services

We’re able to come alongside our customers to quickly provide additional support for:  

  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Penetration Testing
  • End-point Security
  • Security Training
  • Security & Compliance Policy Development

 Telecom Services

“The Cloud” is not a silver bullet, and is best leveraged as part of an overall Enterprise Architecture.

Businesses still require optimized, cost-effective connectivity and security between offices, retail locations, call centers, and datacenters. 

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of thousands of hardware and telecom service providers is a full-time job.  

We can help match your business needs with optimized solutions as your trusted advisor and advocate.

Tech M&A Support

We’ve helped prepare companies to go public — and rang the bell. 

We’ve worked diligence on the buy-side and sell-side of M&A as senior executives and led integrations  post-acquisition.

We enjoy helping our customers navigate these high-risk / high-reward engagements to achieve accretive outcomes. 

There’s no compression algorithm for experience: leverage our decades of experience to minimize your business risk, and obtain the most juice from your M&A squeeze.

 Cost Optimization

Fiscal accountability is part of every leader’s role. Making the best new investments and optimizing existing ones are both critical.

We’ve developed TCO/ROI models saving our customers tens-of-millions of dollars on new investments for things like cloud migrations and datacenter evacuations.

We’ve also conducted in situ cost assessments on existing cloud spend, EOL purchases and large-scale telecom investments. We love saving our customer’s money. We’d love to help you too…

About Us

We love to help!

We're deeply-experienced business and technology executives who have been leading companies from start-up to enterprise, in the commercial and public sectors, both public and private, across numerous industries for decades. We're passionate about working with other leaders who may benefit from our successes, while helping them to avoid some of our scars.

Why Work With Us?

We engage with INTEGRITY -- consistently doing the right thing, even when no one will know. To make it more actionable by defining what behaviors we'll exhibit when engaging with INTEGRITY, we've developed an acronym: